Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Go ahead ….Flush the Toilet – Benefits of Cold Showers

1. Increases Energy
Taking a cold shower in the morning may seem more disturbing than soothing. However, the deep breathing in response to our body’s shock helps us keep warm and increases our oxygen intake. Consequently, our heart rate will rise, releasing a rush of blood through our entire body.
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2. Polishes Skin and Hair
When it comes to your hair and skin, one of the most natural ways to preserve is with cold showers. Hot water has the tendency to dry out our skin, so it’s best to use cold water to tighten your cuticles and pores, which prevents them from getting clogged.
3. Improves Circulation
Cold water can improve circulation by encouraging blood to surround our organs, which can then help fight problems of the skin and heart. It can also lower blood pressure, clear blocked arteries, and improve our immune system.

4. Encourages Weight Loss
The human body contains two types of fat tissue, white fat and brown fat. White fat is accumulated when we consume more calories than our body needs, and we don’t burn these calories for energy. This fat collects up at our waist, lower back and thighs, and is the one we struggle to eliminate. Brown fat is good fat, which generates heat to keep our bodies warm, and is activated when exposed to extreme cold.
5. Speeds up Muscle Soreness and Recovery
We have all seen athletes take ice baths after training to reduce muscle soreness, but a cold shower after breaking a sweat at the gym can be just as effective.

6. Eases Stress

Jumping into the shower without letting it warm up, or going into the ocean without slowly adjusting to it, can help promote hardening, increasing tolerance to stress, and even disease.

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